Kelsey-100 Stager-50 ceramics objects amulets bone general images plans-sections locus

R E G I S T R Y   D A T A B A S E   •   O B J E C T S
Cippi, Stelae & Small FInds

 CIS I.3784

The abbé J.-B. Chabot made recording inscribed stelae a priority during the de Prorok and Kelsey campaigns. To that end, From Kelsey's team he enlisted G. W. Swain to photograph stelae from both campaigns and enlisted E. R. Stoever to have squeezes and line drawings made, both epigraphic stelae and certain anepigraphic stelae with floral and symbolic motifs. Not every drawing was of high quality, however, with some seemingly made by draftsmen untrained in recognizing Punic letter forms (left).
  sample: line drawing CIS I.3784
  ©2023 KMA Carthage Excavation Records (stelae roll 11.2)

PN0974B T0071 865
T0071 865

For the Stager excavations of 1976-79, artifacts of academic interest or of museum quality were given an additional “object” number within a triangular field (here bold) and received more detailed description beyond the basic information found in the general registry. This “object” designation included not only stone markers (recorded on “stelae sheets”), but also molded clay, miniatures, sculptural fragments, amulets, etc. This iterative object registry repeats the basic data of the general registry but adds specialists' interpretations, based upon the system used at Tell el-Hesi (Blakely and Toombs 1980) and refined at Idalion.
  sample: urn 5934, artifact T0071865 (biberon, or sippy-cup)
  ©2023 HMANE ASOR Punic Project (photo no.0974B; vector Ai5934UC detail)

CT_registry at OpenContext

exhibition goals: In this category fall objects taken for study at HMANE and those held by partner museums that are of higher quality and/or interest. Part of the repatriation process has involved or will involve the stabilization and conservation of these artifacts. In the case of the ASOR excavations, many stelae that would have been designated of interest had already been removed by illicit and amateur excavation prior to Kelsey, and many were removed by de Prorok, abbé Chabot, and Kelsey himself, such that close study of legacy data is the only means to restore stelae in the context of CT1-6. Certain stelae (and other artifacts) would be displayed as 3D printed replicas.

  BKGarnand 15 VI 23