Kelsey-100 Stager-50 ceramics objects amulets bone general images plans-sections locus

R E G I S T R Y   D A T A B A S E   •   U R N   C O N T E N T S
Amulets & Beads

S1381 contents

For the Kelsey excavations of 1925, we have few field descriptions of urn contents (left). From those urns taken by Harden for study with concretized contents, six of them contained ca.20 amulets.
  sample: S1361 contents
  ©2023 KMA Carthage Excavation Records (by Orma F. & Anita L. Butler)

5882 PN1277
5882 contents

For the Stager excavations of 1976-79, all urn contents were given a provisional X- prefix, with geological samples re-assigned a G- prefix, and shell and S- prefix, etc. After careful sieving, worked bone and ivory were re-assigned an I- prefix, faunal (including human) osteological samples a J- prefix, etc., with only amulets and beads retaining their provisional X-registry designation. These amulets were analyzed in turn by Y. Markowitz, A. Beyhum, and C. Beer. Wide variations and multiple descriptive designations—both in the field and in the laboratory—have been rationalized and limited to certain key terms.
  sample: 5882 urn contents in CT_image and CT_registry
  ©2023 HMANE ASOR Punic Project (photo no.1277; general registry for 5882)

CT_registry at OpenContext

exhibition goals: From HMANE onward, the exhibit would sample amulets and beads for display from those designated for repatriation. The exhbition would have both contextual display, with their associated urns, and a thematic display, with amulets and beads arranged by formal type and by material fabric.

  BKGarnand 15 VI 23